Copyright / Piracy statement |
For over 40 years Progressive Media and Music has protected the rights of artists' ownership of copyrighted material.
999 out of 1000 projects are perfectly legal, including the rerecording and subsequent replication of cover material, with the appropriate notification and clearance. However...
We have helped put criminals in jail who have knowingly reproduced copyrighted recordings for unauthorized use and sold it to the public.
If you are not sure whether your material is legal, contact us and the RIAA for clarification. |
PLEASE TEXT US FIRST...813-251-8093
Telemarketers, Scammers & ROBO CALLS have overwhelmed our incoming lines!
We can respond to your text messages in a more timely manner.
We apologize to our brand new clients, however once your are in our system your priority is our priority.
We have moved our main facility from Tampa to Holmes Beach (ANNA MARIA), FL 34217
© 2020 Progressive Media & Music